Contract | Core Java Developer with Strong Microservice | Remote



Hope you are doing great!


Under followed is the job description:


Role : Core Java Developer with Strong Microservice Experience

Location : Remote


JD :

Primary/Required Skills

  • Experience building Microservices using Java and specially(RESTFul services).
  • Deep knowledge of core Java programming language.
  • Experience building Event driven architectures.
  • Experience with Oauth2.0 using JWT.

Secondary Skills:

  • Experience developing serverless applications using API Gateway, Lambda, S3, DynamoDb, SQS, SNS, SES, etc.
  • Experience working with RDS (postgres/mysql) and ElastiCache(Redis).
  • Code-level application security (IAM roles, policies, encryption, etc.).
  • Creating Cloud Formation templates.
  • Able to debug applications, extract log data from Cloudwatch and help Devops with monitoring of metrics.
  • AWS Developer certification will be a bonus

Thanks & Regards,

Satyam Biswas


390 Amwell Road, Bldg #1, Suite #107 Hillsborough 

New Jersey USA – 08844

Contact No: 908-663-2320 | EXT- 270

Direct number: 838-999-9607



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