Hi; Hope you are doing great Please go through the JD and revert me your comfortness with the same :- Position:-Enterprise Architect Location:-Multiple location Experience with enterprise application rationalization and microservices Strong financial services background – wealth management or some experience with banking. Responsibility :- The Architect for cross-program, and cross-project Architecture strategies, opportunities, and problem resolution - The Architect for complex development projects - The consultant in business process analysis and design, and service delivery, particularly with respect to the use of information, and trends and directions - works to integrate the organization's information applications and programs.
Thank you.
Vaibhav Kumar | VBeyond Corporation +1-6788928560 Ext. 211| (866) 614-3884 (F) | vaibhavk@vbeyond.com Hangout:-vaibhavvbeyond@gmail.com Note: VBeyond is fully committed to Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity. Disclaimer: We respect your Online Privacy. This is not an unsolicited mail. Under Bill S 1618 Title III passed by the 105th US Congress this mail cannot be considered Spam as long as we include Contact information and a method to be removed from our mailing list. If you are not interested in receiving our e-mails then please reply to vaibhavk@vbeyond.com subject=Remove. Also mention all the e-mail addresses to be removed which might be diverting the e-mails to you. We are sorry for the inconvenience
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