Sure Interview : IBM FileNet Consultant | Ft. Lauderdale/Miami

Position:      IBM FileNet

Location:     Can sit in either Ft. Lauderdale or Miami

Duration:     6 month plus contract

Interview:    Phone screen then Skype


IBM FileNet Experience

Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Imaging and Workflow systems experience with IBM FileNet

Extensive Administration and Development experience with IBM Filenet products Must have experience with P8

Knowledge of VB, .Net & Java developer with Oracle and SQL Server back ends; as well as unix shell scripting. (UX, AIX & Solaris)

Other ECM Knowledge a plus (Kofax Ascent Capture release scripts &  Datacap Taskmaster Capture(APT & Flex))

Certified FileNet Administrator and Developer with certifications: P8 Image Manager ( Image Services),, P8 Process Engine (PE), Content Manager, Business Process Manager, Records Manager & Content Navigator (ICN)

System administrator experience with Panagon & P8 in mixed environments (Microsoft, Unix, WebSphere, BEA, WebLogic, Tomcat, JBOSS, Apache)

Knowledge of Image Taxonomy

Ability to assist with Data Mapping, Technical Specs and Architectural design and experience with integration of the platform to other systems

Additional nice to have:

Worked with FileNet Panagon & P8 from first release and almost every release thereafter.

Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA)

Email Manager, Forms Manager,AE CN CE PE CM BPM BPF CSE EM RM ICC & PA), , CS, eProcess,



Anirudh Singh 
Technical Recruiter
Trail Blazer Consulting LLC  Tel: 914-274-6400 Ext 115
Mail 3541 9 Street Apartment 1R Astoria NY 11106
G-Talk :-

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