Looking for SAP Solution Manager@Des Moines, Iowa

Role: SAP Solution Manager.

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Duration: 1 year

Job Descrption:

Focused Build-SAP

Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager

--Would need to be in the North America time zone for this current launch.

Here's what I found about Focused Build-SAP:

Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager

Innovating business processes with minimal risk to live operations is a challenge for companies seeking to maintain and increase their competitive edge.

--The Focused Build approach supports customers in identifying and selecting the right building blocks from the SAP platform and deploying them in an optimal way.

For this purpose, Focused Build enhances standard SAP Solution Manager features and processes by adding specific functions.

--Focused Build projects use a standardized methodology and an integrated tool chain, which enable companies to build different and innovative software solutions on top of existing industry best practices provided by SAP – to lower the time to market and to realize tangible value.

--Following this new approach, customers assess business processes in collaboration with their business experts, start with best practices for commodity processes, and document requirements for differentiation and innovation. Efficient simulations of the user experience show the business tangible results of the solutions at an early stage.

Using the methodology and integrated tool chain of Focused Build has many advantages, including the following:

Information flows from one phase to the next without media breaks: There is no information loss between project phases, with clear-cut milestones for handovers from one role to the next. All sign-offs are documented to improve compliance. Once created, content is reused throughout the software lifecycle, preventing integration gaps.

One common language: Standardized, structured, and systematic procedure throughout the project that includes resource planning and controlling as well as workflow support. A centralized metadata repository is provided for solutions, including documentation, test cases, and configuration information.

Automated project status information: Clear visibility of resources, scope changes, issues, and risks, as well as transparent and automated reporting.

Transport automation grants the continuous integration and delivery of the software changes into the systems.


Thanks and regards

Bhaskar kumar Koppisetti

Email :kumar.koppisetti@3sbc.com

Hangout : bhaskarkumar3sbc@gmail.com

An E-Verified Company 

NoteIf you are not able to reach me over the phone  please email me , I will reply to you ASAP.

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