Big Data engineer - Columbus Ohio - 6+ Months

Hope you are doing well!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
We have an opportunity for Big Data engineer with one of our clients in Columbus Ohio
Please see the job details below and let me know if you would be interested in this role.
If interested, please send Copy resume, your contact details, your availability and a good time to connect with you.

Job Description:

Role: Big Data engineer
Location: Columbus Ohio
Duration: 6+ Months

9+ years experience

Hive, Kafka, Scala, Sqoop, Spark, Tera-Data, Control M, Unix, Hadoop, CI/CD, Java, APIs, Spring Boot, Cloud Foundry, Avro

Vivek Kumar Yadav | Recruitment Specialist | VBeyond Corporation 
Phone. No: 6785070864
Note: VBeyond is fully committed to Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity.
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Thank you.

Vaibhav Kumar | VBeyond Corporation
(908) 829 0563 Ext. 615 | (866) 614-3884 (F) |


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