Follow up: Target SAP HANA Users with Advanced Technology Intelligence

I am following up on the previous mail to know if you would be interested to acquire an installed base on SAP HANA Users.
Let me know if you would like to review a sample file along with counts and pricing.
Erica Gill
We provide companies like yours with Tech Install of SAP HANA which would include companies and top decision-makers who are currently using SAP HANA at their premises.
Through this data, you can send ABM Campaigns and increase business revenue and opportunities across the board.
Our team can send you few examples of our data profiles along with the pricing details which you can consider with your team internally and we can set up a call anytime next week to discuss further.
Let us know if this is something you would like to consider.
Erica Gill
Director of Sales & Marketing

Erica Gill

524 Sussex St. , Vista,, CA 92083

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