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October 6, 2022

Sr. Scala Developer at Jersey City, NJ

Hello ,


This is Sandeep Pandey from VBeyond Corp. We are a global recruitment company with specialization in of hiring of IT professionals. 

One of our clients is looking for Sr. Scala Developer at Jersey City, NJ. 


Job description:

Additionally, the ideal candidate will have the following skills & experience.

                    Good experience writing software using a modern programming language (e.g. Java, Scala, Python)-

                    Experience writing/maintaining regression tests (using Fitnesse/Cucumber)

                    Experience and knowledge of Apache Spark -

                    Good software development foundation (i.e. data structures, design patterns & principles)

                    Good grip on agile software development methodology (e.g. Scrum)

                    Ownership & problem-solving mindset

                    Curious, inquisitive, independent


Thanks & Regards,

Sandeep Pandey

VBeyond Corporation

Call-+1 (908) 589-4162 EXT -636




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